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3 Ways To Keep Your Summer Smiles Healthy

3 Ways To Keep Your Summer Smiles Healthy

Summer enjoyment and summer vacation is ideal for spending time with family and friends, but they may also put your dental routine off, especially in Orem. Here are three techniques to avoid tooth decay over the summer:

Maintain a Consistent Schedule

Maintain a Consistent Schedule

Fight the urge to forego cleaning before a late bedtime�or let it slide when they sleep the following day�whether your kids are up late catching fireflies or watching a firework display. Don’t neglect your smile over vacation, says Dr. Mary Hayes, an ADA pediatric dentist. Families must brush and floss regularly since this keeps children on track for healthy back-to-school dental checkups.

Regardless of how hectic the coming months are, make sure kids brush twice a day for 2 minutes with fluoridated toothpaste. Cleaning calendars, for example, can help everybody keep on track over the summertime. Brushing with your kids for 2 minutes twice a day for three months gives you six additional hours together, so make use of it!

Also, remember to floss between your teeth once per day. However, many children do not develop the habit of flossing until they are past the age of ten.  If your youngster requires assistance, experiment with different types of interdental cleaners or place your hands over theirs to assist them while getting the job done.

Sugary Drinks and Snacks Should Be Avoided

Sugary Drinks and Snacks Should Be Avoided

As the weather warms up, it’s normal for families to sip and munch at sporting events, concerts, and almost any other community event. Keep an eye on your family’s lemonade, drinks, and soda intake. Think of sugary beverages as pleasures to savor now and again, rather than regularly. Offer water (significantly better if it contains fluoride) or milk to sip with meals to fight the heat. Also, don’t let your child’s smile be harmed by summertime snacking.   It’s good for your teeth to take a break from nibbling. It gives saliva time to bathe the teeth, wash away residual food, and strengthen.

If you spend a lot of time at home, snack wisely. Let your kids tell you when they’re hungry rather than giving them snacks all day.

Make an Appointment for Your Back-to-School Dental Work as Soon as Possible.

Make an Appointment for Your Back-to-School Dental Work as Soon as Possible.

Some institutions require back-to-school dentist checkups for specific grades, and these examinations can be a fantastic way to ensure your child’s teeth remain healthy. Making your child’s back-to-school appointments early in the summer can prevent you from getting into the August rush and ensure that you obtain the initial consultation that is most convenient for you. Look for skillful services in Orem at Canyon Gate Dental and book your appointment.�

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