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Anesthesia and Sedation for Your Child: Questions to Ask Your Dentist


Young children are more prone to dental issues. If your child is complaining about dental pain and infection, you should take them to the nearby dentist in Orem as soon as possible.

Sometimes the problem is so big that it may require dental surgeries. Just like in any other, even dental surgery requires anesthesia and sedation. Some dental procedures require the child to be completely still. Whatever be the reason, the goal is to provide a pain-free and safe treatment to the little one.

How safe is anesthesia for kids?

More than 20 to 50,000 dental surgeries are done annually in the US. There is hardly any record of complications arising from anesthesia and sedation. But, still, you should be clear about all the details, including:

Question to ask before the procedure:

  • The first question you need to ask is who is going to evaluate your kid. Evaluation requires knowledge of past medical history, current prescription, illness, and medication allergies.
  • The second thing you need to know is if your child needs to stay without food and water for a certain period.
  • Should the child be given any sedative meditation before coming to the dentists? 
  • Ask about the qualification, permits, and license of the person providing anesthesia and about the experience of assisting staff.

Question to ask during the procedure:

  • Ask your dentist about the level of sedition, your child will be given. whether the child will stay awake, barely awake, or completely sedated?
  • Who will monitor the child and in what way during and after the procedure?
  • Are all the necessary medication and equipment available for the procedure?

After the procedure:

You will be given an emergency number to contact in case of any complication and emergency.

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