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Ahhhh! Is Pumpkin Spice Making Its Way Into Dentistry?

Pumpkin carved into spooky demon face for halloween

Disclaimer: the following images just may curdle your blood and leave you speechless for days. It�s the season for terror and haunting and I don�t know that I could come up with anything scarier than the following pictures. Is the worst part of the autumn season making its way into dentistry?

Pumpkin carved into spooky demon face for halloween

Pumpkin Flavored ToothpasteWriggleys Pumpkin Flavored GumListerine Pumpkin Flavored Mouth Wash

If you�re shaking in your shoes right now, please be aware that these are just Photoshop-created images. These terrible offenses to nature do not exist yet. You never know though; once the idea is out there, it�s only a matter of time. I don�t know how we got this point as a culture. With the baseball playoffs, the NFL and college football seasons in full swing, comfortable temperatures, the complete absence of allergy-producing pollen, and Thanksgiving just around the corner, the fall season should be the greatest of seasons. Somehow we have let all of this pumpkin nonsense creep into our lives and now it has metastasized into a full-blown cultural phenomenon.

Does anyone out there actually like the taste of pumpkin? I highly doubt it. Somehow we need to curtail this evil. If there are any researchers out there willing to find a dental health reason to banish pumpkin spice, I�m fully on board. Send me your findings and I will spearhead the offensive against this palate-killer.

-Nicolas K. Young, DMD

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