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Pediatric Dentistry

10 Dental Problems that can Cause Tooth pain

close-up of a young woman holding her cheek in pain

Blog Highlights: Pain is a way for your tooth to tell you that something wrong is going on in your tooth When your gums recede, your tooth root will be exposed to different external stimuli Old fillings can get loose or damaged, if this happens, the nerve endings inside your tooth will be exposed to […]

Knowing why Periodontal Disease is very Dangerous

Great Smiles

Blog Highlights: Periodontal disease can be very hard to detect especially during its early stages A lot of people suffer from symptoms such as bleeding gums and bad breath, not knowing that they are actually on their way to developing periodontal disease The best way to avoid this disease it to regularly maintain the proper […]

Knowing what it takes to become a Dentist

Blog Highlights: You need to be exposed to different science and math lessons while in high school You should get preparatory classes as well as natural science courses while in college College students should take the Dental Admission test before applying to a dental school The last two years of schooling will involve giving actual […]

10 Most damaging Habits for your Teeth

Are you prone to Cavities

Blog Highlights: Avoid using toothbrushes that have very hard bristles so you can protect your teeth and gums Nail biting can cause fractures and chips to form on your teeth Ask your dentist to give you a mouth guard so you can protect your teeth from bruxism while you sleep Never chew on ice so […]

Knowing How you can have your Chipped Tooth Fixed

Healthy Smile

Blog Highlights: A chipped tooth can negatively impact your physical appearance A dentist can bond the chipped-of too back into place or use composite material to make the missing portion of your tooth Veneers can be custom made to help hide the chipped tooth You can also ask your dentist to put a crown over […]

Knowing Which Organism has the Strongest Biological Substance on Earth

limpet’s teeth

Blog Highlights: British scientists discovered that small snails called limpets, have teeth made from the strongest biological material on earth The limpet’s teeth are made from a composite of minerals and protein The limpet’s teeth are five times stronger than spider silk, and ten times stronger than the enamel on human teeth The snail’s teeth […]

The Top 3 Most Common Dental Problems According to the Latest ADA Reports

ADA Logo

Blog Highlights: As much as 33% of the people included in the ADA survey were suffering from dry mouth Dry mouth can be caused by certain diseases or by some medications Biting or chewing problems can stop you from eating healthy Biting or chewing problems can be cause by tooth decay or by poorly fitted […]

What makes your Tooth Loose?

Closeup of a smile

Blog Highlights: Most of the time, a loose tooth is caused by problems on the ligaments that hold your tooth in place An excessive bite force caused by bruxism or during biting can cause your tooth to loosen Periodontal diseases can cause bone loss which can weaken the ligaments Treatment options for a loose tooth […]

It's time to clean those pearly whites!