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Evidence that Ending Fluoridation Backfires


Blog Highlights

  • Over the years many cities, which had ceased fluoridation, reported decreased health
  • Additionally, children under the age of 6 were more likely to require treatment for tooth decay
  • The results of this study help to highlight the benefits of community water fluoridation

Community water fluoridation (CWF) is the process of adding fluoride to local drinking water. In recent years, many communities have debated whether or not to start or continue to add fluoride to their water. About 20% of these communities ultimately decided to ban fluoride from their water. Interestingly, in these communities, the residents� overall health suffered and the cost of dental care rose.

Over the years many cities, which had ceased fluoridation, reported decreased health and an increase in the quantity and severity of dental problems.  In Juneau, Alaska, children suffered immensely when fluoridation was stopped. After CWF was banned, the average number of cavities and cavity-related problems per child under the age of 7 was 28% higher. Additionally, children under the age of 6 were more likely to require treatment for tooth decay. In fact, these numbers could have even been worse had it not been for the increase in popularity of placing sealants on children�s teeth. What does this mean? It means that a lack of fluoride in local water can lead to major issues with children�s teeth. The results of this study help to highlight the benefits of community water fluoridation. Stopping fluoridation has a negative impact on the dental health of children, which can ultimately lead to adults with poor dental health too.

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