Blog Highlights
- When the pulp becomes inflamed, it can lead to sensitivity, tenderness and throbbing pain
- If the pulp is not treated and bacteria infects the tooth, you could experience tooth damage
- �Root canal therapy is what you need in order to save the tooth
Teeth are made up of several layers. Under the hard enamel layer of your tooth, there is the dental pulp. The dental pulp is made up of soft tissue and nerves. Beneath the dental pulp is the root of the tooth. When the pulp becomes inflamed, it can lead to sensitivity, tenderness and throbbing pain. The pulp can become infected due to a cracked tooth, deep cavity, or a lost filling.
If the pulp is not treated and bacteria infects the tooth, you could experience tooth damage. In some serious cases, your jaw bone may even become affected. Root canal therapy is what you need in order to save the tooth.
Each root canal is different. It may take from two to three appointments to complete a single root canal. During the first appointment, your dentist will prepare the tooth by removing all the infected material from inside the tooth. They will medicate and seal the tooth canals so that they may heal. You may experience some discomfort after this procedure. Ask your dentist to give you something for the pain.
During the second appointment your dentist will fill the hollowed out tooth with a synthetic material. Once filled, your dentist will seal the tooth permanently. In some cases, you may need� a third appointment to get fitted for a crown. Crowns are used when a tooth is fragile and prone to cracks or fractures.
Root canals last for several years. It’s important to have regular check ups and x-rays to make sure the tooth and general area is free of infection. Practicing good oral hygiene habits can help maintain the root canal and your overall dental health.