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Knowing why Periodontal Disease is very Dangerous

Great Smiles

Blog Highlights:

  • Periodontal disease can be very hard to detect especially during its early stages
  • A lot of people suffer from symptoms such as bleeding gums and bad breath, not knowing that they are actually on their way to developing periodontal disease
  • The best way to avoid this disease it to regularly maintain the proper oral hygiene
  • Periodontal disease can cause tooth loss, abscesses, and even systemic inflammation
  • People who are suffering from this disease can go to their dentist so that they can get the proper treatments

Periodontal disease can be very hard to detect especially in its early stages. Realizing that you are suffering from a periodontal disease simply because you have bad breath or bleeding gums can be very difficult especially if you are a smoker. This is because the symptoms will just come and go. In most cases, the individual will not know that he or she will develop a serious periodontal disease until it is already too late.

Periodontal disease will actually start off as gingivitis. This happens when bacteria causes an inflammation of your gums. If this persists because of the lack of treatment, it can progress into periodontitis. Periodontitis is characterized by the loss of bone around the teeth. When this happens, the teeth will start to separate from the gums, this results in the formation of pockets in between where bacteria can invade and thrive in. Later on, this problem will lead to tooth loss, systemic inflammation, as well as abscesses.

The best way to avoid periodontal disease is still to brush and floss daily, as well as to see your dentist regularly for professional cleanings. If you already have the symptoms, you can see your dentist so you will know your treatment options. Just keep in mind that the regular maintenance of the proper oral hygiene is the first step towards dealing with this disease. If the disease is severe, your dentist can remove the plaque and tartar through specialized tools. The dentist can also do treatments such as �root planing� or �root debridement�, or a periodontal surgery.

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