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Porcelain Crowns vs. Other Materials: Which is Best for Your Smile?

Patient making dental crowns

When it comes to restoring damaged teeth, dental crowns offer an effective, long-lasting solution. However, not all crowns are created equal, and choosing the right material is essential for achieving both functional and aesthetic results. At Canyon Gate Dental in Orem, Utah, we provide various types of crowns, including porcelain, metal, and porcelain-fused-to-metal. In this blog, we’ll compare these materials to help you decide which type of crown is best for your smile.

The dentist selects the color of the dental crown of a teenage girl in a dental clinic

Ready to restore your smile with the right dental crown? Contact Canyon Gate Dental in Orem, Utah today to schedule your consultation. Our expert team will help you choose the best crown material for your smile and ensure a perfect fit!

1. What Are Dental Crowns?

Before diving into the differences between porcelain crowns and other materials, it’s important to understand what a dental crown is. A crown is a cap placed over a damaged or weakened tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Crowns are commonly used for:

  • Restoring a tooth after a large cavity or root canal
  • Protecting a cracked or weakened tooth
  • Improving the appearance of misshapen or discolored teeth
  • Supporting a dental bridge

Crowns can be made from various materials, including porcelain, metal, and porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM), each offering unique benefits. Let’s explore these materials in more detail.

2. Porcelain Crowns: Natural-Looking and Aesthetic

Porcelain crowns are known for their superior aesthetics, as they closely mimic the natural color and translucency of teeth. This makes them an excellent choice for restoring front teeth or any visible area in your smile.

Pros of Porcelain Crowns:

  • Natural Appearance: Porcelain crowns are custom-made to match the color and shape of your natural teeth, making them ideal for patients who want their dental work to blend seamlessly with their smile.
  • Stain Resistance: Porcelain is highly resistant to stains from food, drinks, and tobacco, helping your crown stay bright and beautiful over time.
  • Biocompatibility: Porcelain is biocompatible, meaning it’s unlikely to cause allergic reactions or irritation to gum tissue.

Cons of Porcelain Crowns:

  • Not as Strong as Metal: While porcelain crowns are durable, they may not be as strong as metal crowns, especially for molars that endure heavy chewing forces.
  • Higher Cost: Porcelain crowns can be more expensive than other materials due to their aesthetic benefits.

3. Metal Crowns: Durable and Long-Lasting

Metal crowns are made from alloys such as gold, palladium, or base-metal alloys. These crowns are highly durable and are often used for molars or back teeth, where strength is a priority over aesthetics.

Pros of Metal Crowns:

  • Durability: Metal crowns are extremely strong and can withstand the forces of biting and chewing without breaking or wearing down.
  • Less Tooth Removal: Metal crowns require less removal of the natural tooth structure compared to other types of crowns, preserving more of your original tooth.
  • Long-Lasting: Metal crowns are known for their longevity and can last decades with proper care.

Cons of Metal Crowns:

  • Aesthetic Drawbacks: The biggest disadvantage of metal crowns is their appearance. They are easily visible, making them less ideal for patients concerned about the look of their smile, especially for front teeth.
  • Potential Allergies: Some patients may be allergic to certain metals used in crowns, though this is relatively rare.

4. Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns: A Balance of Strength and Appearance

Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns (PFM) combine the strength of a metal crown with the aesthetics of a porcelain crown. These crowns feature a metal core covered by a layer of porcelain, offering both durability and a natural appearance.

Pros of PFM Crowns:

  • Strength and Durability: The metal base provides strength, making PFM crowns suitable for both front and back teeth.
  • Natural Appearance: The porcelain layer gives PFM crowns a tooth-like appearance, allowing them to blend in with the surrounding teeth.

Cons of PFM Crowns:

  • Porcelain Chipping: While PFM crowns are durable, the porcelain layer can sometimes chip or wear down, especially in areas that experience heavy biting forces.
  • Metal Visibility: Over time, the metal layer may become visible at the gum line, especially if your gums recede, affecting the appearance of the crown.

5. Zirconia Crowns: A Modern Alternative

Zirconia crowns are a relatively new option in restorative dentistry, offering a combination of strength and aesthetics. Zirconia is a durable ceramic material that closely resembles natural teeth and is less prone to chipping compared to porcelain.

Pros of Zirconia Crowns:

  • Highly Durable: Zirconia crowns are strong enough for both front and back teeth, making them a versatile option.
  • Natural Appearance: Like porcelain, zirconia can be color-matched to your natural teeth for an aesthetically pleasing result.
  • No Metal: Zirconia crowns are metal-free, making them ideal for patients with metal allergies.

Cons of Zirconia Crowns:

  • Higher Cost: Zirconia crowns are generally more expensive than metal or PFM crowns due to the material’s advanced properties.

Which Crown is Best for Your Smile?

The best crown material for your smile depends on several factors, including:

  • Location of the Tooth: For front teeth, aesthetics are often the top priority, making porcelain or zirconia crowns the best choice. For back teeth, durability is more important, so metal or PFM crowns might be a better fit.
  • Your Budget: Porcelain and zirconia crowns tend to be more expensive than metal or PFM crowns. If cost is a concern, discuss your options with your dentist.
  • Allergies or Sensitivities: If you have metal allergies, porcelain or zirconia crowns are a better option for you.

At Canyon Gate Dental in Orem, Utah, we help you choose the crown that best meets your needs in terms of function, aesthetics, and longevity.

Why Choose Canyon Gate Dental for Your Dental Crowns in Orem, Utah?

At Canyon Gate Dental, we specialize in providing custom dental crowns that restore both function and beauty to your smile. Here’s why patients in Orem, Utah, trust us for their crown treatments:

  • Customized Crowns: We tailor each crown to match your teeth perfectly, ensuring a seamless look and comfortable fit.
  • Expert Care: Our experienced team ensures your crown is placed with precision and care, resulting in a strong, natural-looking restoration.
  • Advanced Technology: We use cutting-edge dental technology to provide the best possible results for all types of crowns.


When it comes to dental crowns, choosing the right material is crucial for both function and appearance. Whether you’re considering porcelain crowns for their natural look, metal crowns for durability, or a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown for a balance of both, each option offers unique benefits. At Canyon Gate Dental in Orem, Utah, we’ll help you select the best material based on your individual needs, ensuring your smile is healthy, strong, and beautiful. Contact us today to learn more about our custom crown options!

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