Having Difficulty Swallowing?

Blog Highlights Often times the swallowing problem is caused by eating too fast or not chewing your food Swallowing happens in three stages and involves 50 pairs of muscles and various nerves It’s important to keep your teeth and gums healthy so they can prepare your food for swallowing Difficulty swallowing or the feeling of […]
Acid Reflux and Your Dental Health

Blog Highlights One of the other, lesser known effects of GERD is tooth decay GERD causes stomach acids to travel up the esophagus and into the mouth Changing your diet and taking certain medications will hopefully keep your GERD under control Gastroesophageal acid reflux disease (GERD) can wreak havoc on your oral health. Patients who […]
Acid Reflux In Children

Blog Highlights It’s important to notice the signs of acid reflux in children and take preventative measures �Some dentists may recommend fluoridated water to protect your child’s teeth throughout the day With acid reflux it’s important to reduce the amount of sugary foods that your child consumes Have your child’s teeth started to decay despite […]
Salvia Microbes Reveals Similarities Across the Globe

Blog Highlights A new study has shown that there may be more similarities than originally thought The foundation has been set for further studies, which will examine diet and cultural factors We still have much to learn about it, we do know that it is important to maintain a healthy mouth In the past, it […]
Raisins May Be Good for Oral Health

Blog Highlights There are chemicals called phytochemicals in raisins that help fight the bacteria The study served as a reminder that not all sticky foods cause tooth decay In fact, the main cause of tooth decay and cavities is added sugar, such as sucrose If you’re looking for a sweet, but healthy snack, grab a […]
Taking Care of Your Mouth After the Flu

Blog Highlights It’s important to maintain good oral hygiene even when you’re sick If you experience vomiting it is important that you wait to brush your teeth Use sugar-free cough drops to prevent unnecessary tooth damage According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, influenza peaks between December and February. Often times, when we’re […]
Does Milk Help Reduce Tooth Decay?

Blog Highlights Eating sugary foods often leads to tooth decay or caries The researchers measured the acidity levels of the participant’s teeth at regular intervals They discovered that, after eating cereal, milk lowered the acidity of the plaque the most Researchers have recently claimed that drinking milk after consuming sweet foods reduces the damage sugar […]
Soft Drinks: Could Root Beer Be the Safest for Your Teeth?

Blog Highlights Sodas are compromising for teeth for two main reasons Some research has shown that non-colas cause more erosion than colas A report suggests that root beer products may be a safer soda for your teeth It is a well-known fact that drinking sodas on a regular basis causes dental erosion. Overtime, dental erosion […]