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Diastema is not a word you’re familiar with, right? However, this is only a fancy name for something quite common in dentistry in Orem: the space between two teeth. One that is significantly bigger than 0.5 mm.

For some, a diastema is a unique characteristic that they proudly display. Imagine people like Madonna, Lauren Hutton, Georgia Jagger, and Elijah Wood. For others, though, it may be a feature of their look that they find particularly unattractive or embarrassing, and this can have a significant impact on their self-esteem.

And if any of it seems familiar, we have answers. In this article, we’ll have a closer look at diastema teeth and the best methods for eliminating that unattractive space.

Diastema Is Caused by What?

The most typical location for a diastema to develop is between the two front teeth. On the other hand, they can develop anywhere in the mouth and have several potential causes, including:

Jawbone Width and Tooth Spacing

Teeth that are too tiny in comparison to the jawbone might cause spacing to appear. Because the size of teeth and jawbones may be inherited, families can often have a history of having front teeth that are unevenly spaced.

Tooth Discrepancies

A similar gap, called a diastema, can form between the upper two front teeth if the upper lateral incisors are absent or significantly smaller than the upper central incisors.

Very Large Labial Frenum

Your top front teeth and the gum tissue above them are connected by a band of tissue called the labial frenum. This can lead to a separation in the middle of the mouth if it’s particularly big.

Bad Breath

Diastemas can occur out of nowhere, and fast tooth movement is one symptom of severe gum disease. When an infection causes the gums to swell and bleed, it weakens the bone and gums that hold teeth in place, a condition known as gum disease. As a result of the destruction, gaps may appear.

Poor Habits and Inconsistent Reflexes in the Swallowing Area

The use of a pacifier or bottle for an extended period of time, thumb sucking, lip sucking, tongue thrusting, improper chewing, and wrong swallowing can all lead to a diastema in the teeth. The front teeth can be pushed forward, and significant space is formed by constant pressure.

Early Tooth Loss

After losing their baby teeth, many children develop diastemas. In fact, dentists consider a midline diastema to be a normal dental occurrence in childhood, and around 98% of 6-year-olds will have one. These are just there temporarily, and they will fall out when the permanent teeth come in.

What Should I Do About My Diastema?

This is dependent on the reasons it has come to light.

You should consult a dentist if your front teeth are spacing apart because of a more serious problem, including gum disease. Gum disease is quite common, but it may cause a number of uncomfortable symptoms and dental issues. This calls for immediate action on your part.

However, dental treatment may be unnecessary if the diastema is just aesthetic and there are no additional symptoms. To let the diastema untreated is not harmful to your health. But a dentist can help if you don’t like the way it looks.

But a dentist can help if you don’t like the way it looks.

Diastema Closure

Several options exist for closing a diastema, and we provide them all here at Canyon Gate Dental.

Among these are:


A custom-made, transparent aligner series may be used in combination with light pressure to gradually move the two front teeth together until the space between them is no longer visible after it has been effectively closed.

Composite Bonding

Effective and painless, this method is worth looking into. The diastema can be closed without the use of drills by simply filling up the space with a composite resin that has been shade-matched to the patient’s teeth.


Veneers made of porcelain are another popular cosmetic solution for spaces between the front teeth. They cover the gap in your smile and make your teeth look even and full by being bonded directly to the enamel.

Your diastema’s severity and root cause will determine the best course of treatment. Also, feel free to contact our group of experts for personalized guidance. We can walk you through the many treatment options available at our clinic and recommend the best one based on your specific needs and goals, as well as provide advice on basic dental hygiene and the most effective strategies to avoid gapped front teeth.

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