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Orem Dentist

What should you do if you are Experiencing Jaw Pain after a fall?

close-up of a young woman holding her cheek in pain

Blog Highlights: If you have a jaw pain after a fall that does not go away or gets worse, you need to seek professional help right away. The only way for you to know what is going on with your jaw is to let the dentist evaluate your pain. The pain may be caused by […]

Knowing what to do if you have Recurring Swollen Gums

Blog Highlights: Gum infection can be very painful and it can be an indicator that something worse is about to happen to your oral health. Recurring swelling is a hallmark sign that you have a gum abscess that is caused by an infection. You need to see your dentist so he or she can drain […]

Are Canker Sores Infections and Transmissible?

Canker Sores

Blog Highlights: Canker sores are not actually contagious Cold sores or fever blisters are caused by the herpes virus Cold sores or fever blisters can be found on the lips or inside the mouth Canker sores are not like fever blisters or cold sores. This means that they are not actually contagious. Canker sores are […]

Knowing the True Cause for Dry Mouth

Dry Mouth

Blog Highlights: Dry mouth is also known as xerostomia, from the Greek terms “Xero” which means dry, and “Stomia” which means mouth Dry mouth can be caused by the frequent consumption of alcohol or coffee It can also be caused by certain diseases that can affect the production of saliva Patients who are suffering from […]

Is Chronic Bad Breath Curable?

Woman with bad breath

Blog Highlights: As much as 50% of the U.S. population who are middle aged or older, suffer from bad breath There is also a lot of smokers who suffer from smoker’s breath The best way for you to get rid of bad breath is to let your dentist identify the root cause of the problem […]

Is having your tooth chipped a big problem?

Chipped Tooth Orem Dentist

Blog Highlights: A big chip might mean that you lost a lot of tooth structure and that the pulp is now exposed A small chip on the other hand, might lay the foundation for the development of more cracks or chips Minor chip can be easily fixed with the help of modern bonding techniques You […]

10 Dental Problems that can Cause Tooth pain

close-up of a young woman holding her cheek in pain

Blog Highlights: Pain is a way for your tooth to tell you that something wrong is going on in your tooth When your gums recede, your tooth root will be exposed to different external stimuli Old fillings can get loose or damaged, if this happens, the nerve endings inside your tooth will be exposed to […]

Knowing why Periodontal Disease is very Dangerous

Great Smiles

Blog Highlights: Periodontal disease can be very hard to detect especially during its early stages A lot of people suffer from symptoms such as bleeding gums and bad breath, not knowing that they are actually on their way to developing periodontal disease The best way to avoid this disease it to regularly maintain the proper […]

It's time to clean those pearly whites!