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What You Should Eat Right After Having an Extraction

What You Should Eat Right After Having an Extraction

Your dentist may recommend an extraction, and you may be concerned about how long it will take to feel better afterward. While it is true that extraction can have positive long-term effects on dental health, it is important to remember that it is typical to feel some discomfort as you heal from the treatment. Some discomfort and sensitivity at the extraction site, together with swelling and bleeding, may make eating difficult for a short time in Orem. During this period, you should eat things that don’t need a lot of chewing, including soups and soft candies.

1. Chilled Broths and Soups

Soup is a great choice as a post-op meal. Soup is a great meal option because it’s nourishing and simple to prepare and consume. If you want to avoid chunks, look for a blended version and serve it at room temperature or slightly chilled. Consuming hot liquids, such as soups and broths, might aggravate existing mouth pain by irritating sensitive tissue. Once you’re feeling better, you can start adding soft spaghetti or small chunks of veggies to your soup.

2. Smoothies

Smoothies are versatile and can be created with whatever ingredients you like, making them a healthy and delicious option. You may make a healthy, calcium- and vitamin-rich snack by blending your favorite fruits with yogurt or milk. As an additional healthy option, you may include greens like kale. If you had a tooth pulled recently, you should avoid using a straw with your smoothie so as not to disrupt the blood clot protecting the empty socket. This condition is known as a dry socket.

3. Foods That Are Mashed or Scrambled

After oral surgery, it may be difficult to eat solid food, but you can still obtain the nutrients you need by mashing fruits and vegetables. Try mashing fruits and vegetables, including potatoes, pumpkins, avocados, bananas, and stewed apples and pears, to make them more manageable to eat. Scrambled eggs are a good source of protein and could satisfy your hunger till dinner. They won’t take too much effort to chew, so you should be able to eat them while your mouth heals. If you don’t want to burn your mouth, wait until they cool off before eating them.

4. Stay Away From Certain Meals

There are many foods that can be eaten after oral surgery, such as an extraction, but there are also some that should be avoided. Avoid foods that are known to irritate the mouth’s soft tissues, like spicy and acidic foods. Crunchy foods, such as chips and crackers, are also not recommended in the days following surgery, as they can be difficult to chew and swallow.

What Can We Do to Assist You?

We do several types of extractions and other dental procedures here at Canyon Gate Dental. Your dentist will try everything in their ability to repair a broken tooth so that it doesn’t have to be pulled, but sometimes extractions are unavoidable. Common reasons include trauma, extensive gum disease, the need for orthodontic treatment, impacted wisdom teeth, or the presence of a crooked or misaligned tooth.

When you visit our office, we’ll take a close look at your teeth to see what kind of care they need. In the event that you require tooth extraction, we will provide you with thorough explanations of the procedure and assist you in every step of the way.

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