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Dental Treatment

Oral Cancer and Resulting Issues

oral mucositis | My Cancer Journey

Blog Highlights The use of tobacco and some other factors cause nearly half of all the cancers worldwide It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to educate your children from an early age Various cancer treatments can affect oral tissues Did you know that 1,660,290 oral cancer cases are diagnosed each year in the […]

Local Anesthetics

What Are The Complications of Local Anesthetics

Blog Highlights There are different types of local anesthetics �It may be scary to think about getting an injection of an anesthetic, but try not to worry too much For extreme cases of anxious patients, dentists can use a general anesthetic It’s very common for local anesthetics to be used during dental treatments. The local […]

Benzocaine for Teething Children? Don’t Do It!

FDA warns teething medicin

Blog Highlights If your child is teething, they are likely in pain. As a concerned parent, your first response may be to reach for an over-the-counter pain reliever. Benzocaine is a common ingredient in pain relievers marketed to help relieve children’s teeth pain. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently warned parents […]

Why Your Teeth Are Sensitive to the Cold

Blog Highlights When the weather gets cold, the dentin under your enamel may expand and contract When the dentin is exposed, you will feel the cold more than usual Your dentist will identify the problem and determine the best course of treatment Do your teeth feel sore or sensitive when the weather gets chilly? If […]

Crowns and Cavities

Illustration of Dental Crown

Blog Highlights Since crowns are made of synthetic material it is impossible for them to get cavities Getting a crown does not need to be a long, drawn out experience It’s important to keep your crown and the remaining exposed tooth clean Crowns are used to fix teeth that have been broken, cracked, or are […]

Local Anesthesia

Local Anesthesia

Blog Highlights Longer-lasting and better-working drugs, such as Lidocaine, have replaced Novocain When the drug is injected there are a few other ingredients included in the shot Side effects from local anesthesia are fairly uncommon Local anesthesia is used when the dentist needs to numb a certain section or small area of your mouth. It […]

Dairy Foods and Your Teeth

Glass of Milk

Blog Highlights Caring for your baby’s oral health should be a priority from they day their born In general, children of all ages benefit from a diet that includes calcium-rich foods Some adults may benefit from more calcium One of the best ways to maintain strong teeth is to eat a healthy diet. Dairy foods […]

Root Canal Appreciation Day

I Have A Root Canal

Blog Highlights Often when we hear the phrase �root canal� we immediately cringe �Root canal therapy is a dental treatment that involves removing infected pulp from a tooth In order to prevent root canals, it’s imperative that you practice good oral hygiene Back in 2005, there was a dentist who decided that root canals were […]

It's time to clean those pearly whites!