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Pediatric Dentistry

The Importance of Dental X-rays

Digital X-Ray Machine

Blog highlights: Although most dental problems can be easily seen with the naked eye, you should know that some problems can only be seen through an x-ray. With the help of the dental x-ray, the dentist can begin creating a treatment plan that will fit your needs. The dental x-ray is safe as it will […]

Can you Really Heal Cavities Naturally?

Beautiful Smile

Blog Highlights: There are those who make claims online that you can heal the cavities on your teeth without seeing the dentist Although the proper diet can make a positive impact on your health, cavities cannot heal naturally Cavities need to be treated by the dentist as soon as possible so you can avoid tooth […]

What are Cavities and how do they affect your Teeth?

Diagram about the formation of cavities

Blog highlights: Microorganisms can thrive on the surface of your teeth by consuming the food residue and debris on or in between your teeth Bacteria produces acids as a byproduct, the acids can dissolve the enamel of your teeth in order to create a cavity Aside from poor oral hygiene, and consuming too many sugary […]

Why Saliva is Important for your Oral Health

Closeup of a smile

Blog Highlights: Saliva is not just important for breaking down food, it is also important when it comes to keeping teeth and gums healthy Saliva can actually help neutralize food acids and it can also carry minerals for strengthening your teeth enamel If you are suffering from xerostomia, your dentist can recommend that you use […]

A Guide to Teaching kids How to Brush their Teeth

Baby learning to brush her teeth

Blog Highlights: Kids are not exempted when it comes to tooth decay, this is why they need to have their teeth brushed as soon as the first one erupts You can use games, apps, and even oral hygiene products that have different colors and flavors to entice your child to brush his or her teeth […]

Knowing when to take your Child to the Dentist

Mother Kissing Child

Blog Highlights: A lot of parents have no idea when they should take their children for their first dental checkup During the first visit, the dentist will check for injury, tooth decay, as well as signs of proper growth and development Schedule your child’s first visit when he or she is happy and active Parents […]

The Life of George Franklin Grant, A Dentist and an Inventor

George Franklin Grant

Blog Highlights: George Franklin Grant is the first African-American faculty member of Harvard Aside from becoming the first faculty member, he became the president of two respectable associations in the field of dentistry He is also known for having invented one of the precursors to the modern Golf tee Born in September 15, 1856, George […]

What is in your toothpaste?

Toothpaste on Toothbrush

Blog Highlights: Some active ingredients found in toothpastes are meant to help you deal with sensitivity by interacting with the nerves or with the tubules in your teeth Toothpastes also contain inactive ingredients which are typically used for cleaning or for polishing your teeth You need to brush your teeth for at least two minutes […]

It's time to clean those pearly whites!