Eating Disorders and Their Impact on Oral Health
Blog Highlight: As much as 10 million Americans suffer from eating disorders Eating disorders have a huge impact on your oral health People with Anorexia have an irrational fear of looking fat or of gaining weight Individuals who have bulimia throw up or use laxatives or enema in order to get rid of the food […]
An Overview of Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate
Blog Highlights: These birth defects happen early in fetal development It is possible for both defects to appear on the same individual Individuals who have a cleft lip and or cleft palate can also suffer from other problems Surgery may be able to fix both birth defects Birth defects may come in the form of […]
Knowing all About Tooth Decay
Blog Highlights: Tooth decay is the destruction of the tooth enamel It is cause by bacteria that forms oral plaques that cover the teeth Tooth decay is prevalent in children Adults can suffer from tooth-root decay Older individuals can also suffer from tooth decay around the edges of their dental fillings Maintaining proper oral hygiene […]
Show Your Teeth Some Love
This Valentine’s Day show some love to one of the most underappreciated things in your life: your smile. Among other reasons they are important, your teeth are reason you can chew delicious food, speak properly, and make a good first impression when you interview for a job. Unfortunately, teeth often go neglected for years. Although […]
Important Facts Breastfeeding Moms Need to know about their Baby’s Teeth
Blog Highlight: Breastfeeding can help babies avoid different health problems Breastfeeding can help your child avoid malocclusions Nursing mothers can continue to breastfeed their child even when the first tooth has emerged Breastfeeding can help your baby avoid “baby bottle tooth decay” Nursing mothers who need dental treatments can opt for antibiotics which are safe […]
Knowing All About your Baby’s Teeth
Blog Highlights: Baby teeth are as important as adult teeth Babies usually have their first tooth around 6 months of age, but some babies can have them at a much later time You can soothe your child during teething by massaging his or her gums Letting your child have a well-baby checkup can help the […]
Q: Who Has Better Teeth: Americans or the English?
The answer is obvious, right? For anyone who’s been a consumer of any kind of American pop culture, you surely know that the British have a stereotype for having terrible teeth. How sure are you about your answer though? It might surprise you to know that Americans have caught up with and even surpassed the […]
Knowing More about Bleeding Gums
Blog Highlights: Bleeding gums can be a sign that you are suffering from Gingivitis Brushing or flossing too hard can cause bleeding gums Pregnant women can suffer from pregnancy gingivitis People taking blood thinners can also suffer from excessive gum bleeding Frequent gum bleeding need to be checked by the dentist Bleeding gums can be […]