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Tooth Pain

Food Choices and Your Oral Health

Basket of vegetables

Blog Highlights Tooth decay is one of the most prevalent oral problems patients face It’s important to monitor your sugar intake Patients with poor diets that lack certain nutrients may experience frequent mouth infections Tooth decay is one of the most prevalent oral problems patients face. Tooth decay is directly related to your food choices […]

Whitening Bonded Teeth

Woman Smiling

Blog Highlights Stained teeth are a fairly common occurrence With time, your natural teeth may become discolored at a faster rate than the bonded teeth It’s important to speak with your dentist when considering any type of whitening treatment Bonding is one of the many ways you can restore or fix teeth that have either […]

Black Toothpaste for Teeth Whitening

Black Toothpaste

Blog Highlights The toothpaste contains powdered charcoal, which helps to whiten the enamel of teeth The American Dental Association has shown that charcoal can wear down the enamel Toothpastes containing charcoal are not approved by the ADA There are many different ways to whiten your teeth, some more legitimate than others. One method that seems […]

Banana Peels and Teeth Whitening

Woman whitening teeth with a banana peel

Blog Highlights Banana peel teeth whitening involves� rubbing the inside of a banana peel on your teeth Some fruits contain high levels of acid which, in excess, can damage your teeth When it comes to whitening your teeth, there are several effective, proven methods available Sometimes the internet produces some strange health trends. One of […]

Preventing Tooth Discoloration After Teeth Whitening

Beautiful smile

Blog Highlights Once your teeth are whitened, consider avoiding stain-causing foods and drinks Throughout the day, rinse your mouth with water after drinking coffee, tea, or sodas Professional cleanings easily remove surface stains and reduce discoloration Getting your teeth whitened is easy. Keeping them white and maintaining their brightness is where the real work begins. […]

Treating TMJ

Women with painful dental emergency.

Blog Highlights To determine the best method of treatment for your TMJ, it’s best to speak with your dentist Some common causes are high levels of stress and teeth grinding In extreme cases, you may need to undergo jaw joint surgery TMJ pain can range from slight discomfort to excruciating pain. Unfortunately, there isn’t one […]


Woman with sensitive teeth

Blog Highlights Most pain in the jaw is referred to as TMJ jaw disorder Unfortunately, scientists have yet to pinpoint the exact cause of TMJ jaw In some cases, TMJ jaw can become chronic Eating and speaking are two activities we do everyday without thinking. These functions are� made possible by the temporomandibular joint of […]

Is Tooth Recession a Thing?

Gum Disease

Blog Highlights Gum recession can lead to tooth pain which may be one reason for the misleading name Your dentist can easily identify if you’re suffering from gum disease It’s important to maintain a healthy oral regime at home to help prevent gum recession No, but gum recession or receding gums are very real. Gum […]

It's time to clean those pearly whites!