It�s a little known fact, but it may surprise you to read that no less than 30% of adults will suffer with some form of tooth grinding at some point in their lives. The causes are varied, and medical experts are still discovering treatments and solutions to help people to stop this unwanted activity altogether. Over time, the grinding of teeth can result in decay, enamel breakdown and even infection. Here�s a look at the most common causes of tooth grinding.
Stress and Anxiety
When we feel stress, it�s not uncommon for our bodies to display visible signs as a result. Although more common in those aged between 18 and 30, tooth grinding as a result of stress has been linked to fractured teeth, jaw soreness and headaches, too. If you�re feeling stressed, then it�s a good idea to seek medical advice to rectify the situation � especially if you find yourself grinding your teeth subconsciously. Your Orem dentists can fit a mouth guard to help with this event if necessary.
One of the most common causes of tooth grinding relates to habit. In these instances, you may find yourself grinding your teeth when you�re bored, eating, or even whilst you sleep. This form of tooth grinding is called bruxism, and it�s most common within adults over 30. If left untreated, teeth can become fractured and will wear away over time. The better alternative would be to have a dentist in Provo fit a mouth guard to protect your teeth while you sleep � and other options are available to those that find themselves grinding their teeth during daylight hours.
A Medical Disorder
There are particular ailments that result in muscles contorting, and as far as your jaw muscles are concerned � this can be very bad for your teeth. Your jaw muscles are very powerful, and if allowed to press and release frequently; your teeth and gums will soon start to suffer. The above remedy is advised although this isn�t always an option if you are clenching your teeth throughout the day. Instead, certain medications can help � especially local sedatives that help to relax muscles, so before undertaking any course of medication it�s a good idea to discuss your options, side effects and general information with your dentist beforehand.
If you�re grinding your teeth and you�re concerned about the effect that it may be having on your teeth, then we�d recommend that you give us a call to better evaluate how the activity is taking its toll on your mouth. Never hesitate to get in touch, especially if you are grinding your teeth frequently, as this can spell the difference between an unwanted event, and a healthy mouth.