On Preventing Dry Mouth When Sleeping
Blog Highlights Dry mouth is caused by a lack of saliva Dry mouth is usually a symptom of some other condition Dry mouth may not be a serious condition itself, but it can indicate more serious problems Millions of people suffer from dry mouth. In most cases, dry mouth is worse at night. Dry mouth […]
Toothache: Knocked Out Teeth
Blog Highlights In many cases, knocked out teeth can easily be saved There are several things you need to do in order to save a knocked out tooth If you can get to the dentist within 30 minutes, there is a higher chance of saving the tooth Knocked out teeth can be painful and time […]
Toothaches: Mouth and Face Injuries
Blog Highlights Your teeth are in a very vulnerable position You’ll never be able to completely eliminate the risk of trauma to the face or mouth With any mouth or face injury it’s best to seek emergency dental or medial care Toothaches can occur for a number of reasons. One of the more serious causes […]
Swelling and Mouth Inflammation
Blog Highlights There are two types of inflammation that occur in the mouth Chronic swelling can damage your gums and surrounding bones The severity of your inflammation will determine the best course of treatment Mouth inflammation, also known as swelling, is your body’s natural way of responding to an injury. Inflammation helps the injured area […]
Sensitive Teeth
Blog Highlights Sensitive teeth are usually noticeable when brushing, eating or drinking Desensitizing toothpaste can help to block the pain associated with sensitive teeth For severe pain, we may recommend a root canal Sensitive teeth are a common complaint among our dental patients at our Orem, Utah office. At some point in your life, you’re […]
Toothaches can happen for a number of reasons Different types of tooth pain usually indicate different types of causes Toothaches are a serious problem and should be evaluated by a professional Toothaches are one of the most common emergency dentistry afflictions. Everyone, at some point in his or her life, is likely to experience the […]
How to Tell If You Have Bad Breath
Blog Highlights It’s important to figure out why your breath smells Other causes include gum disease, dental decay, or dry mouth syndrome Treatment may be as simple as drinking more water or brushing and flossing more regularly Bad breath or halitosis can happen for a number of reasons. In many cases, it is caused by […]
Washing Your Mouth
Blog Highlights Mouthwash is not, as some people may think, a bad breath cure Certain mouthwashes can be very useful to treat different times of dental issues A saltwater mouthwash can be soothing if you’ve bitten the inside of your mouth With dozens of mouthwashes on the market, choosing the right mouthwash can be tricky. […]