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Orem Dentist

The Four Different types of Dental Braces

Smiling Metal Braces

Blog highlights: Ceramic braces are more expensive and they can chip easily. Lingual braces are braces that are placed at the back of your teeth. It can be very difficult to talk properly after getting lingual braces installed Metal braces are the least expensive and the most commonly used type. Invisalign braces are transparent and […]

Knowing what to do if your tooth filling fell out

Broken Filling

Blog Highlights: If you can locate the tooth filling that fell off, you should take it to the dentist as he or she might be able to repair it. You can use dental wax to temporarily cover the cavity You should avoid foods or beverages that are hot, cold, sweet, or acidic so you can […]

Knowing when to get a Root Canal

patient woman at the dentist complains of toothache. Looking at camera.

Blog Highlights: Although there are a lot of probable causes for tooth pain, tooth decay and tooth infection are still the most likely culprits Seeing your dentist every six months is important as it will allow the dentist to check your teeth for problems and it will help you get preventative treatments Tooth pain can […]

What are the Qualifications of a Good Dentist?

Blog Highlight: After getting a bachelor’s degree, the dentist needs to go through 4 additional years in dental school before he or she gets a DMD or DDS degree. After schooling, the dentist needs to pass a licensing exam and a national written test before becoming a licensed professional. Many dentists will offer their services […]

7 Easy tips for you to Quickly recover from a Wisdom Tooth Removal

Closeup of a smile

Blog Highlights: Make sure that you plan your surgery before the weekend or before the holidays so you will have enough time to rest at home. After the surgery, you need to have a liquid diet. You can eat soups or soft foods like pudding for the mean time. You need to open your mouth […]

10 Habits that you Should Avoid for your Teeth’s Health

Closeup of a smile

Blog Highlights: You should only use a toothbrush with soft bristles as a hard-bristled toothbrush can cause abrasions on your gums Brushing too hard and too often can wear down your teeth’s enamel and it can also damage your gums Nail biting is a habit that puts parfunctional bite forces on the surface of your […]

How can Stress Impact your Oral Health?


Blog Highlights: Stress can affect the whole body and it can also impact your oral health Stress can cause bruxism and clenching It can lead to temporomandibular joint disorder, tooth wear, and even loose teeth People who are suffering from oral problems because of stress need to see their dentists before permanent damage occurs Stress […]

Why do People feel Dizzy after sitting in the Dental Chair?

Headshot senior man with vertigo suffering from dizziness

Blog Highlights: A lot of people experience dizziness, and some even faint after sitting in the dental chair for a prolonged period of time Some of the patients feel anxious with the dental treatment while some experience postural hypertension Some tooth numbing shots will also make you dizzy because it contains a small amount of […]

It's time to clean those pearly whites!