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Tooth Pain

Persistent Bleeding

Bleeding Gums Orem Utah

Blog Highlights One of the main causes of bleeding gums is plaque buildup around the gum line Regular bleeding around the gums when flossing or brushing your teeth likely points to gum disease In addition to proper care at home, it is imperative that you visit your dentist at least once every six months Bleeding […]

Toothaches: Mouth and Face Injuries

Men with Toothaches

Blog Highlights� Your teeth are in a very vulnerable position �You�ll never be able to completely eliminate the risk of trauma to the face or mouth With any mouth or face injury it�s best to seek emergency dental or medial care Toothaches can occur for a number of reasons. One of the more serious causes […]


Men having Toothaches

Toothaches can happen for a number of reasons Different types of tooth pain usually indicate different types of causes Toothaches are a serious problem and should be evaluated by a professional Toothaches are one of the most common emergency dentistry afflictions. Everyone, at some point in his or her life, is likely to experience the […]

Sparkling Water and Your Teeth

Sparkling Water

Blog Highlights Sparkling water is in fact a great, healthy alternative to sugary sodas and drinks Citrus-flavored waters will naturally have a higher acidity level If you choose to drink sparkling water, it’s best to avoid brands with added sugar Acid is one of the key contributors to tooth enamel erosion. In the past it […]

Why Your Teeth Are Sensitive to the Cold

Blog Highlights When the weather gets cold, the dentin under your enamel may expand and contract When the dentin is exposed, you will feel the cold more than usual Your dentist will identify the problem and determine the best course of treatment Do your teeth feel sore or sensitive when the weather gets chilly? If […]

Crowns and Cavities

Illustration of Dental Crown

Blog Highlights Since crowns are made of synthetic material it is impossible for them to get cavities Getting a crown does not need to be a long, drawn out experience It’s important to keep your crown and the remaining exposed tooth clean Crowns are used to fix teeth that have been broken, cracked, or are […]

Local Anesthesia

Local Anesthesia

Blog Highlights Longer-lasting and better-working drugs, such as Lidocaine, have replaced Novocain When the drug is injected there are a few other ingredients included in the shot Side effects from local anesthesia are fairly uncommon Local anesthesia is used when the dentist needs to numb a certain section or small area of your mouth. It […]

Dairy Foods and Your Teeth

Glass of Milk

Blog Highlights Caring for your baby’s oral health should be a priority from they day their born In general, children of all ages benefit from a diet that includes calcium-rich foods Some adults may benefit from more calcium One of the best ways to maintain strong teeth is to eat a healthy diet. Dairy foods […]

It's time to clean those pearly whites!